The Ghost Town Of Fabbriche Di Careggine

Originally shared by Tuscany Villas

The Ghost Town Of Fabbriche Di Careggine

Fabbriche di Careggine is a town in the area of Lago di Vagli, or Lake Vagli, in Lucca, Tuscany. You have probably never heard of it before, and for good reason: rather than near Lake Vagli, it would be more correct to say that it is beneath the lake. The medieval town, a long-time home to talented metal-working artisans, was flooded in 1953 in order to create the artificial lake, a hydroelectric basin. 

Every decade, the lake is drained in order to perform maintenance and the town emerges from the depths of the water once more, giving rise to its nickname as a “ghost town.” Hundreds of thousands attend every time to watch as it slowly rises out of the lake.

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