Originally shared by Sihanoukville Guide Service
Phnom Krom Mountain, Siem Reap, Cambodia
You are in Siem Reap and looking for a place to watch the sunset?
Do not make the ordinary tour to Phnom Bakheng in Angkor with one thousand other toursits
My alternative: Phnom Krom
Prasat Phnom Krom is approximately 12 kilometers southwest of Siem Reap near the north end of the Tonle Sap Lake. It is located on a mountain 137 meters (449 feet) highs. Climb the steep stairs and curved curved path through a modern temple complex at the top of the hill. The walk affords a fine view of the lake and surrounding area.
#PhnomKrom #Cambodia #Kambodscha #Private Guide #Tourguide #privateTour #PrivatTour
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