Our little dashboard Christmas Tree looking good. : )

Our little dashboard Christmas Tree looking good. : )

Originally shared by Art Belden

Nice day in the RV park. Sunny but windy.

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  1. John Armstrong

    Thanks Art. I grew up in a small Town a little North of you called Ticonderoga – home of Fort and Pencil fame.

  2. Art Belden

    Thanks John Armstrong​

    And happy holiday to you and yours. Btw, I grew up 30 west of Albany, town call Schoharie, NY. Went to HS there.

  3. John Armstrong

    Love Cajun food – I think I lived in NOLA in another life! Thanks Dan we’ll have to give it a try.

  4. John Armstrong

    I had 60 years of Winter in Upstate NY – enjoyed it as a kid – not so much as an adult. When I retired I decided it was time to see what Winter would be like without snow and found I liked the alternative better. That was 2008 and haven’t missed it yet. Safe travels Art and we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

  5. Art Belden

    Yup. Know exactly where Copper is. It’s a beautiful state CO, but, expensive.

    Might be out of here soon and headed south for the rest of winter. Thinking AS, NM, or south Cali

  6. John Armstrong

    St Pete has some great areas and beaches. I spent some time at a big ski resort West of you a few years back. It was during the Summer but had a great time in spite of the altitude headaches. I think it was a place called Copper Mountain maybe.

  7. John Armstrong

    What area are you in and we will watch the weather map with you. We’re holed up down here near Clearwater Beach for the Winter but not suffering too badly.

  8. Art Belden

    We had some a couple days ago John Armstrong​

    Going to get some more, think tonight. Then we will be digging in for some below zero weather Saturday and Sunday. This girl is winter equipped. Heated tanks and hot hands (hand warmers) in the water center. And I’m good to go. Did that last week during a -14 degree night and still had water flowing at 6am.