Memmius Monument

Memmius Monument 

Located on the North side of Domitian Square, the Memmius Monuments resembles a four sided victory arch. Its base is made of convex local Stones and the other sides are made of marble. A crepis of four steps sorrounds it. On each facade, there are semicircular niches connected to each other by arches on which there are blocks bearing figures. Most of the blocks with figures are missing. The figures resembling soldiers wearing helmest belong to Memmius, his father Caicus, and his grandfather Sulla, the dictator. The Latin inscription found on a piece of the architrave at the eastren end of the structure states “ Caicus Memmius, the saviour, is the son of Caicus, grandson of Cornelius Sulla.” The monument was built in the 1st century B.C.

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