Originally shared by Veronique Medtours


IRAN is a very wide country, with large desert areas. The austerity of its landscapes contrasts with the richness of the cities monuments and gardens. This new destination attracts essentially a cultural and historical tourism, but is also suitable for large spaces discovery and hiking. North of Iran, green and mountainous, offers also a lot of trekking, skiing and climbing opportunities. The ethnic and religious diversity is propitious for human discoveries and exchanges. Iran is particularity ready for thematic trips with focuses as architectures, art, desert discovery, sport, nomadic life, flora and fauna, water etc…

The distances between cities being very long, it is in use to take domestic flights to travel. All the main cities have an airport. Indeed Tehran can be linked with Shiraz, Kerman, Ahvaz, Kermanshah, Tabriz and many other cities which constitute places of interest. Beside the Khomeini Airport in Tehran, other airports receive international flights as Shiraz, Kermanshah and Kerman… 

A 6 days trip will be actually a flash visit, which would allow to overview only two or three cities, mainly Shiraz and Isfahan, two major cultural centers. 

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To approach the destination, at least 8 days are foreseen, with the most classic visits of Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan and Kashan. Those cities represent a central vertical axis covered by the most of the classic tourist itineraries. Those cities contain spectacular treasuries of the Iranian Islamic art, mosques, mausoleums, palaces, aristocratic mansions, gardens, bazaars… 

With a longer stay, we can extend the possibility towards the East and visit the desert cities on the edge of Lut Desert, like Kerman, Yazd, Nain, and towards the West to discover the remains of the Mesopotamian civilization in Suza and ancient Persia cultures in the Zagros mountains sites as  Kermanshah. In the North, the Caspian coastline and mountains are also relevant, especially for hiking lovers, with their green forest and picturesque villages.

We must foresee 10 to 15 days, and even more, to diversify the itineraries. With such a stay, we can include also visits and overnight in isolated areas, in the Zagros mountains or in the desertic Eastern areas. Those stations would give the opportunities to meet local communities of villages or nomadic tribes, as well as to spend one or two days for walking in nature.  

Between the forests of the North and the deserts and the semi-arid mountains, Iran contains also exceptional natural sites, as the largest cave of the world (Ali Sader cave) near Hamedan, the Damavand volcano (5760m), lakes and many natural protected areas. 

Iran offers an accommodation of quality, from the small guesthouses, boutique hotels till the 5*palaces. Guesthouses and boutique hotels are to be kept for individuals, due to the space and the access in often small streets.

All kind of travels are possible, from the FIT till big groups. However, flight and drive formulas are not available. Visa but must be taken from the Iranian embassies, but the procedure can be facilitated by our services.

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