Originally shared by Galaxy International Services
Galaxy Travel International
Windsurfing in Egypt
Here: Surfmotion Soma Bay
Windsurfing area – what’s waiting for you A big standing space, long sandbanks with butter flat water and two islands in range of sight guarantee a sense of achievement. Speeding, jibing and making freestyle tricks will be great fun here.
In front of the station you have direct access to the beginner’s lagoon which is 30 cm to 1 meter deep, depending on the tide and bordered by a sandbank. Directly behind the beginner’s lagoon is the speed and freestyle strip which offers very flat water due to the sandbank behind it. With low tide the sandbank is nearly dry and with high tide there can be little wind waves.
More information: http://sport.gis-travel.com/index.php/en/windsurfing/windsurfing-surfmotion.html
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