Explore the mesmerising cathedral of Florence!

Originally shared by Tuscany Villas

Explore the mesmerising cathedral of Florence!

Come and see one of the most elaborate cathedrals in the world, the duomo of Florence in Tuscany. This is the fourth largest cathedral in the world, the largest being St. Peter’s in Rome. This magnificent building towers over Florence’s skyline, topped off with a splendid dome designed and built by Filippo Brunelleschi in the 15th century.

It took over two hundred years for this skilfully designed cathedral to be fully completed due to the sheer enormity of intricate work done to embellish both its interior and exterior. Tourist will no doubt be in awe of the craftsmanship the panning that went into this city’s cathedral, it is truly a masterpiece in its own right!

Choose from a superb range of villas near Florence if you wish to stay a few days and explore all of this Renaissance city: http://www.tuscany-villas.it/villas_florence-area_italy.shtm

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