Backcountry camping@ Deam Wilderness, Hoosier National Forest

Backcountry camping@ Deam Wilderness, Hoosier National Forest

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  1. PitSnipeCV-60 BT#2MMR

    Michael Wilson be sure not to leave anything of value in the car at the trailhead.

    RRG is notorious for car breakin’s.

    Happen too me there. Had to drive back to Ohio with a broke out window in the middle of January.

    But, the place is beautiful! Awesome recess caves.

  2. Michael Wilson

    PitSnipeCV-60 BT#2MMR​ we like it there, have been going also to put on miles.heading to the Red River Gorge in a few weeks for a week.can’t wait!

  3. PitSnipeCV-60 BT#2MMR

    I was there a few years ago. Camped right on the lake

    Good hiking there.

    Have you hiked Zeleski National Forest in S.E. Ohio? It’s almost as if you’re in The Smoky mountain.