I went from a 82£ MOLLE (army) to a 75£ Alps internal frame it carries 100% better. I had made the mistake of going the surplus rought when gearing up. It all weights way to much. Saved probably 4-5 lbs just in packs. So do your research before you buy!
I went from a 82£ MOLLE (army) to a 75£ Alps internal frame it carries 100% better. I had made the mistake of going the surplus rought when gearing up. It all weights way to much. Saved probably 4-5 lbs just in packs. So do your research before you buy!
I went from a 70 liter, to recently upgrading to the kelty redcloud 110 — need I say more.
External frames are good for that, very easy to overload.
Miss my old ext frame. Probably had a thousand miles on that bad boy.