Good and ready to set out on a 4-day camping and paddling memory

Good and ready to set out on a 4-day camping and paddling memory

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  1. Yankees Outdoor Adventures

    Jim Williams Hey brother I’m going to give you this email address it is a email made for receiving video clips to put on my YouTube channel. You can also contact me here at any time if you use a different name on your email be sure to let me know who you are, sometimes it’s a challenge figuring out who the different name is… lol

  2. Jim Williams

    Yankees Outdoor Adventures definitely it would be my honor I’ll send you a few you can pick it out if I have any problems sending it I will contact you I’ll be here for two days and a different place for two days

  3. Yankees Outdoor Adventures

    I see a truckload of Good Times?

    Hey brother if you get a minute, make a video and send it to me, I threw shout outs to viewers that don’t have a YouTube channel on my Monday YOA,.. just send me in a video clip and tell us about it and I’ll show it on a Monday episode? love to get a video of your camp or just the view of one of your favorite activities? don’t feel any pressure brother, just if you’re interested, it would be my pleasure